Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winter Rolls In

Mid-December and it's brrr cold here in central NC.  Even more seriously cold in other places.  Frozen citrus in FL, a collapsed stadium dome in Minneapolis.  Changes at my little piece of the world, too.

Some of the herbs in my garden are done for the season, like basil.  Rosemary, oregano and thyme are hanging in there.  Parsley won't last much longer, I'm afraid.  I will be planting garlic by the end of week.  This is a new crop for me.  It seems to be an easy winter crop here in NC.  I will report back on that in the spring!

Rusty the might hunter has been busy.  Just this month, he has brought four recent kills into the house - 2 squirrels, a mole, and a mouse.  I hope the other squirrels learned by watching and stay far away from Rusty.

Last month, we said goodbye to our 16-year old black lab, Jake.  The old guy's hips finally gave up, so we did the hardest thing.  We miss him much and we still hear his phantom barking sometimes.  RIP, Jake.  You were a really great dog.