Friday, July 23, 2010

Grasshoppers Molt?

Did you know that grasshoppers molt several times?  I had no idea until I did a little research after my daughter brought this grasshopper molt to me a few days ago.  My photo isn't terrific but you can see some better photos if you do an image search for "grasshopper molt".

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Squash Bugs Have Won

The final squash-type plant has been taken over by the squash bugs.  I'd like to know how they even know I am growing squash!  Last year was the first year I planted squash and zucchini and the squash bugs showed up right away.  Do they have a website or some other mode of communication to let them know where to go?  It's mind-boggling to me!

Anyway, I am finished with zucchini and squash for this year, and cucumbers, too.  Between the heat and the squash bugs, I am flying the white flag around those particular vegetables.  I think I will plant some fall veggies in those now unused containers...nothing squash related, for sure!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Strikingly Beautiful

Just a short time ago, my daughter, Katie, called me to come outside.  "You've got to see this!" she said.  So, I went, of course!  What she had discovered was a lovely white and black moth, resting on the side of the house.

Katie carefully captured it in a specimen container so she could photograph and identify it.  A few minutes later, she announced it is a Giant Leopard Moth.  This is a common moth in NC, but I don't believe I have ever seen one before.  Katie's photo is on the right.  It was taken outside once she had place the moth back on the bricks.

Here is link that gives more pics and information about this strikingly beautiful moth.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Growing Herbs

Today, I will finally get my herbs out of there store containers and into their planters.  It has been so hot here that I kept them inside for the duration of the heat wave.  Today, though, they will be enjoying their expanded environment and I expect they will be growing like mad in a few days!  

I have rosemary and oregano as perennial herbs.  They do well outside all winter, but winters are milder here than in many locations.  My annual herbs this year are basil, thyme, sage, parsley, chives.  Herbs add so much flavor to food and they are easy to grow.  They actually like being neglected a bit which is wonderful for me since I am notorious for forgetting to water plants!  That is why I use self-watering containers for my garden vegetables!