Saturday, May 29, 2010

Atlantic Hurricane Season Fast Approaching

The Atlantic hurricane season is not officially underway for a few more days but the seasonal outlook calls for an active season.  Of course, the outlook could be wrong, which we all hope is the case.  But, it could also be right, too!  

Are you prepared?  Do you have bottled water, non-perishable food, prescription medications, etc?  Go to the link below to learn more about being prepared.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Marvel of Peru

Who knew Four O'Clocks are also known as Marvel of Peru?  And that they originated in South America!  Our Four O'Clock bed is again filled with hardy green stems and leaves, all of which seem to be growing right before our eyes.  Any evening now, the flowers will open and fill that part of the garden with bright and bold colors.  Ahh, summer!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Garden Grows

Everything is growing beautifully, so far.  One of the tomato plants is about to bloom and I think one of the pepper plants may be, as well.  The squash in the bags of soil on the ground are growing like mad!  I will be thinning them this weekend, along with the zucchini and cucumber plants.  

Still have some more to plant this weekend, including herbs.  It's been slow-going here with the drama as of late...human illness, doggie illness, crazy work schedules and other things, too.  

We have seen some squash bugs already and some little caterpillar chewing on one tomato plant.  I think some insecticidal soap may be in order for the caterpillar.  I will talk to my gardening sister...she knows everything about growing veggies!